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Saturday, 30. March 2013. 10:33

Study visit to Slovakia ended

Study programme “Institutional security and division of competencies within the Euro-integration process between the relevant central bodies of state administration” .

As part of the cooperation programme of the Human Resources Administration of Montenegro, and organisations NISPAcee and Slovak Aid, in the period from 25th to 29th March 2013, the visit of representatives of Montenegrin state bodies to the Republic of Slovakia was realised. Delegation, which included a representative of the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro, had the opportunity to meet with their Slovak colleagues from the Parliament, Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of the Environment.

During the visit, special attention had been paid to organisational structure and competencies of state bodies of Slovakia in affairs regarding the EU, drafting the National Programme for adoption of the acquis as an instrument for planning the accession process, amendments to the Constitution due to the need to regulate the issues regarding the Union, as well as the issues regarding the Slovak experiences in part regarding harmonisation of the national legislation with the acquis of the EU.

The complexity of procedure, extensiveness of documentation and building of the administrative capacities were presented as key challenges of the Republic of Slovakia in the process of joining the European family of peoples. With that regard, they pointed out the need for adequate approximation, as an integral part of the accession process, but also as an obligation of state institutions to ensure implementation of the EU norms. The final part of the programme, which will be held in Podgorica, will include presentation of experts which will contain the overview of Slovak experiences in the pre-accession period, as well as recommendations and alternative solutions in relation to the legal and political system of Montenegro, with the aim to accelerate the reform process and fulfilling obligations from the European agenda.

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