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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 05. March 2013. 10:44

Seminar in Brussels ended

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, attended the Seminar on “Fight against organized crime, corruption and money laundering“ on 4th and 5th March, 2013, together with members of parliaments of the countriesin pre-accession negotiations and MPs of the European Parliament.

During the two-day Seminar the following topics were considered: role and position of the European Parliament in the EU policy on fight against organised crime, corruption and money laudering, and  regarding the Western Balkan and Turkey; trafficing in human beings and organised crime; confiscation of the assets as an instrument for preventing criminal groups to continue their activities; narco-cartels and their relations with European organised crime; crimes in corruption regarding the public procurements; areas of systematic corruption in public administration of the member states with the aim of confronting its negative effects to the EU and European funds and their usage by the organised crime.

During the Seminar, at the Proposal of the Delegation from Montenegro, establishment of the stronger form of cooperation between the European Parliament Committee for the Fight against Crime and the countries participating at the Seminar was initiated. It was agreed that the Delegation of the Committee on European Parliament would pay a visit to the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro in the following period.

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