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Friday, 29. March 2013. 10:50

Action Plan for Strengthening Legislative and Control Role of the Parliament

The Collegium adopted the Action Plan for Strengthening Legislative and Control Role of the Parliament  in 2013 as well as the Plan of legislative work of the Parliament and the Calendar of the Spring Session.

In the aim of further improvement of legislative and oversight role of the Parliament, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, at the meeting held on 29th March adopted the Action Plan for Strengthening Legislative and Control Role of the Parliament  in 2013 as well as the Plan of legislative work of the Parliament and the Calendar of the Spring Session

The Action Plan for Strengthening Legislative and Control Role of the Parliament consists of 68 activities and measures, with explanations, responsible authorities, deadlines and success indicators. For the purpose of better overview, activities and measures provided by this Action Plan are grouped in three parts. The first part is directly related to strengthening of legislative and oversight role of the Parliament of Montenegro, through drafting and adoption of acts, frequent use of oversight mechanisms, work of plenum and working bodies. Special attention in this section is devoted to the role of the Parliament in the accession negotiations, through the activities of the Committee on European Integration and line committees. In addition to reviewing the draft negotiating positions by chapters, the Action Plan envisages meetings of the Committee in order to obtain information about preparing negotiating positions from the negotiating structures in the Government, and that the Committee defines a model for the participation of the members of line committees in these meetings. In addition to the regular use of the current oversight mechanisms, such as consulting and control hearing, the Prime Ministers Hour and parliamentary questions, in this segment, the plan envisages several measures in 2013 which are aimed to new and redefined institutes of supervision are used to a greater extent, and that application of the law is frequently monitored, as well as considering the implementation of the conclusions of the working bodies and / or the Parliament, which was one of the recommendations of the European Commissions Progress Report on Montenegro Gore in 2012.Thus, it is provided that at least once every six months, working bodies hold a meeting to which representatives of the relevant ministries and, where appropriate, other state authorities and organizations will be invited, with the objective of reviewing the implementation of policies in the areas under their jurisdiction. The consultative / control hearings will be also organized, devoted to the consideration of the application of laws that are, according to the members of the working body, key or burning in a given area, and that have been adopted in the previous one-year period or earlier.

The second segment comprises activities and measures directed towards strengthening of administrative and professional capacities, for which the Parliamentary Service is responsible for. The third part is dedicated to the activities for further improvement of openness and transparency of the Parliament towards citizens and civic organizations.

At the beginning of each section, findings and recommendations of the European Commission from the Progress Report for 2012 are provided, relating to the given segment and taken into account while defining planned activities, so that the Action Plan at the same time presents fulfillment of European Commission recommendations

The Action Plan, among other envisages the Plan of Legislative wok of the Parliament and the parliamentary calendar that the Collegium of the President of the Parliament also adopted.

The Plan of Legislative wok of the Parliament of Montenegro for 2013 is prepared on the basis of the Work Program of the Government for 2013 and the Plan of Activities on fulfilling recommendations from the European Commission Progress Report for 2012 that was adopted by the Government on 27th December, 2012. This document is simultaneously a plan of harmonization of Montenegros legislation with the EU acquis, and comprises oversight activities of the Parliament of Montenegro through consideration of the reports certain bodies, in accordance with the law, submit to the Parliament.

The Plan of Legislative wok for 2013 covers 128 proposals for laws, 54 of which are proposals for law which adoption is planned for harmonization with the EU law, as well as 31 reports that certain bodies, in accordance with the law, submit to the Parliament.

The Service of the Parliament will monitor implementation of the Plan of Legislative Work for 2013 and prepare quarter reports on its implementation. Additionally, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament in September 2013 will submit Information of Fulfillment of the plan for the Spring Session, with the Proposal of the revised plan for the Autumn Session. 

The Calendar of activities of the Parliament of Montenegro for the Spring Session sets the dates in month dedicated to the Parliament sittings and meetings of the working bodies, as well as parliamentary days for the work of MPs in their Clubs and with citizens.

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