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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 04. March 2013. 12:08

Expert debate “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union”

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, opened today the Expert debate “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union”.

At the opening Mr. Krivokapić said that Montenegro passed a long way from the time when the defense of human rights was an achievement of the individual, and painstakingly tried until now to build institutions to protect human rights. Mr. Krivokapić said that he was confident that the autonomy of the individual and the institution in the future would give results.

The U.S. Ambassador to Montenegro, H.E. Ms. Sue K. Brown, and the Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Mr. Suad Numanović, spoke at the opening of the expert debate.

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