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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 30. April 2015. 15:27

Members of MP Group of Independent MPs to meet with senators of the Republic of Italy

White Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, 4 May, at 16.30h

On Monday, 4 may 2015, members of the MP Group of Independent MPs: Mr Mladen Bojanić, Mr Dritan Abazović, Mr Novica Stanić, Mr Velizar Kaluđerović, Mr Neven Gošović, Mr Obrad Gojković and Mr Miodrag Lekić will meet senators: Mr Aldo Di Biagio and Mr Stefano Collina, from the Italian Senate, upon their request.

It was planned the meeting to start at 16.30h in the White Room of the Parliament of Montenegro.

The meeting will be closed to public. Cameramen and photo-reporters may record the beginning of the meeting,

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