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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 04. March 2013. 12:11

Representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro at the Seminar in Brussels

Representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro will attend the Seminar on “Fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering“, which is to be held in Brussels, on 4th and 5th March 2013, organised by the European Parliament. MPs of the parliaments in pre-accession negotiations as well as MPs of the European Parliament will attend the Seminar.

Delegation is composed of: the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Damir Davidović, and members of the Anti-Corruption Committee: Mr. Predrag Bulatović, Mr. Milorad Vuletić, Mr. Obrad Mišo Stanišić, Mr. Mićo Orlandić, Mr. Fatmir Gjeka, Mr. Koča Pavlović and Mr. Zoran Miljanić.

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