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Friday, 01. March 2013. 12:15

Expert debate “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union”

Expert debate “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” will be held on Monday, 4th March, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Expert debate is organized by the Parliament of Montenegro and NGO “Civic Alliance”.
Civic Alliance” continuously monitors respect and protection of human rights. This organization, as part of the Program of Efficient Management, funded by USAID, and implemented by East West Management Institute, conducted research and analysed efficiency of competent state authorities in protection and processing of report cases of violating human rights, in order to establish basic problems and recommendations for their resolving, and the results will be presented at the mentioned expert debate.
The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, Minister on Human and Minority Rights, Dr Suad Numanović and the Ambassador of USA in Montenegro, H.E. Ms. Sue K. Brown will have the opening statement at the debate.
The Report on “Human Rights in Montenegro - from the referendum to the start of negotiations with the European Union” will be presented by Ms. Ajša Hadžibegović, Program Director of Civic Alliance, Mr. Siniša Bjeković, legal advisor with the Centre for Human Rights of the Faculty of Law in Podgorica and Mr. Budimir Šćepanović, Deputy Ombudsman of Montenegro will address the topics “Development of Legal Framework 2006-2012” and “Development of Institutional Framework 2006-2012”.
Representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro, Government institution of Ombudsman, Judiciary, and Police Administration, academic society, NGOs and media will participate at the expert debate

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