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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 28. February 2013. 12:18

Representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro at the gathering “Information technologies 2013”

At the gathering “Information technologies 2013”, the author works of the employees of the Sector for Research, Documentation and IT Network were presented

Representatives of the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro participated at the XVIII Scientific and Professional gathering “Information technologies 2013”, which is being held in Žabljak. The aim of this gathering was a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary review of the current issues in the field of information and communication technologies in Montenegro and the world. Scientific and professional results, organised discussions and expository lectures were presented at the gathering.

Within the section of author works, the employees of the Sector for Research, Documentation and IT Network presented themselves with two works, which represent the efforts of the Parliament of Montenegro to improve the support to legislative and oversight role of the Parliament, as well as its openness and transparency, by using the information and communication technologies.

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