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Monday, 25. March 2013. 12:20

The Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro attended the Interparliamentary Conference for Mutual Foreign and Security Policy and Mutual Security and Defense Policy, 24th and 25th March, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland

Second day of the Conference, 25th March, 2013, commenced with the session “Prevention of disputes – European Union as peacekeeper” during which the participants of the Conference were addressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Ireland, Mr.. Eamon Gilmore, members of the House of Commons.

Afterwards, the workshop “"Comprehensive approach to instability in Africa - experience in the Horn of Africa" was realized, which relying on the contributions High Representative and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, aimed to provide MPs to conduct discussions on a comprehensive approach in the context of implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defense Policy in the Horn of Africa

 Workshop "The peace process in the Middle East - the role of the European Union," the EU Special Representative for the peace process in the Middle East Mr. Andreas Reinicke moderated, and the same was aimed to, relying on contributions High Representative and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, enable MPs to conduct the discussion on the role of the European Union in the peace process in the Middle east.

The session of the Interparliamentary Conference on "The European Council for the Defense of 2013" followed, initiated by the Minister of Justice, Defence and Equality of the Republic of Ireland, Mr. Alan Shatter, a member of the House of Commons, and then the participants were addressed by of the Deputy Secretary General of Preventing Conflict and Security Policy, EEAS, Mr. Maciej Popowski, after which workshop rapporteurs’  reports were presented.

Afterwards the participants of the Interparliamentary Conference for Mutual Foreign and Security Policy and Mutual Security and Defense Policy adopted conclusions.

On this occasion Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro consisted of following MPs: Mr. Miodrag Vuković, Mr. Borislav Banović, Mr. Vasilije Lalošević and Mr. Zoran Miljanić.

Interparliamentary Conference for Mutual Foreign and Security Policy and Mutual Security and Defense Policy ends today.

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