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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 16. June 2015. 12:17

MPs hold a meeting with Head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro Mr Mitja Drobnič

MPs of MP Group of Albanian parties (FORCA, AA), HGI and LPCG and MP Group of Bosniak Party today met with Head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro Mr Mitja Drobnič and Advisor for European Integration and Human Rights at the European Union Delegation to Montenegro Ms Barbara Rotovnik.

The MPs held a meeting upon request of the Head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro, and the topic of the meeting was focused on the thing intensively dealt with in the European Union, which is the rule of law. Additionally, they also discussed the political scene of Montenegro, but also the political priorities in the period until the upcoming elections, as well as the economic issues and issues of education.

The MPs thanked the Head of Delegation for his initiative to meet and discuss the said issues.

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