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Wednesday, 13. February 2013. 12:37

Fourth Meeting of the Working Group for Drafting the Proposal for Resolution on European Integration held

Importance of adopting the document which would precisely define the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in the European integration process particularly emphasized at the meeting.

Working Group for Drafting the Proposal for Resolution on European Integration held a meeting today with the Chairman of the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, Mr. Rifat Rastoder, the Chairman of the Committee on European Integration, Mr. Slaven Radunović, the Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr. Halid Duković, the Chairwoman of the Gender Equality Committee, Ms. Nada Drobnjak, the Chairman of the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning, Mr. Predrag Sekulić, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Ms. Branka Tanasijević, the Chairman of the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Welfare, Mr. Zoran Jelić, the Chairman of the Anti-corruption Committee, Mr. Predrag Bulatović, the Chairman of the Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatization Procedure, Mr. Janko Vučinić, member of the Security and Defense Committee, Mr. Obrad Mišo Stanišić and the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Damir Davidović.

Importance of adopting the document, which would precisely define the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in the European integration process, was particularly emphasized at the meeting, as well as the position of the Parliament and its relation to the Government of Montenegro and other relevant subjects. In that regard, it was pointed out to the need of participation of the Parliament of Montenegro in negotiating process with the European Union and strengthening of its control role whether it was about harmonizing of Montenegrin legislation with the EU acquis or implementation of adopted laws.

Participants of the Meeting agreed that adoption of this document, with the consensus of all political parties, was necessary as soon as possible.

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