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Tuesday, 12. February 2013. 12:49

Third Meeting of the Working Group for drafting the proposal of the resolution on European integration held

Opinions on the role of the Parliament in accession negotiations exchanged at the meeting.

Working Group for drafting the proposal of the resolution on European integration held its meeting today with the representatives of political parties, not included in the Working Group: Mr. Mladen Bojanić (Positive Montenegro), Mr. Almer Kalač (Bosniak Party), Ms. Ljerka Dragičević (Croatian Civic Initiative), Mr. Fatmir Gjeka (Democratic Party) and Mr. Genci Nimanbegu (FORCA).

Opinions on the role of the Parliament in accession negotiations were exchanged at the meeting, as well as its relation with the Government of Montenegro and possibilities of further strengthening of the role of the Parliament in the European integration process. Invited representatives of political parties agreed with members of the Working Group that it was very important document that would define the role and the function of the Parliament in the European integration, whether it was about harmonizing of Montenegrin legislation with the EU aquis and its implementation or its control and oversight role. In addition, it was pointed out to the significance of the Parliament in the negotiating process with the European Union and reaching of the strategic documents as well.

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