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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 17. October 2015. 12:13

Several day long humanitarian action "Solidarity in Community", organised by the Parliament, finished today

Several day long humanitarian action "Solidarity in Community", organised on the occasion of 17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, with the participation of MPs, employees and members of the parliamentary Trade Union, finished today, with the handing over donations

On this occasion, participants were addressed by the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Siniša Stanković, stating among other things that this action is the best act of solidarity in difficult times. He said that during the past few days clothes, shoes, food, books and toys were collected, and that EUR 1,000 was paid to the accounts of three most vulnerable families from the north of Montenegro, on the proposal of the Red Cross. Also, the Secretary General handed over a set of readings for primary school students to the Director of the Primary School "Bratsvo i jedinstvo", Škarepača - local community Koljeno from Rožaje, Mr Muzafet Mujević.

Within the action "Solidarity in Community", the invitation for participation was sent to mobile operators, banks, as well as all people of good will, in order to widen the humanitarian action in order to collect as much funds for the extremely vulnerable community members. Appeal was responded by the following: West Bank, paying EUR 1,000 for three socially vulnerable families, employees of the OSCE, Telekom, members of the Club of Women Diplomats in Montenegro, Erste Bank, who collected food, clothing, shoes, as well as financial resources.

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