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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 29. October 2015. 11:36

Marking Parliamentarism Day on the occasion of 110 years of Montenegrin constitutionality

On the occasion of 31 October - Parliamentarism Day in Montenegro, upon the initiative of President of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Parliament has prepared an appropriate programme of marking Parliamentarism Day on the occasion of 110 years of Montenegrin constitutionality.


Friday, 30 October 2015

11:00 –Exhibition devoted to 110 years of constitutionality, from “Parliamentary Archive”

                       President Ranko Krivokapić opens the exhibition

                       Venue - Parliamentary Hall

Saturday, 31 October 2015

11:00  –Ceremonious opening of a Data Centre of the Parliament of Montenegro - project implemented with the support of the EU

                       President Ranko Krivokapić and H.E. Mr Mitja Drobnič, Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, will open a Data Centre by ceremonious unveiling of the plaque and starting up the system of the Data Centre

                       Venue:  Premises of the Parliament of Montenegro in Ulica Novaka Miloševa (Konzularno), IV floor

11:30 sati –Ceremony “The Parliament of Art”,, where children from Montenegrin kindergartens will be performing and students as well

                       Venue: Plateau in front of the Parliament of Montenegro

12:30 –Press statements by President Krivokapić and Ambassador Drobnič

                       Venue: Press position in the Hall of the Parliament

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