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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 30. October 2015. 12:30

On the occasion of Parliamentarism Day, an exhibition of archival documents opened in the Parliament of Montenegro

The collection comprises copies of seven constitutions, therefore the exhibition represents a golden review of Montenegrin parliamentarism 

As a part of marking Parliamentarism Day, an exhibition of archival documents from the period 1905-1914 and since1946 until to date was opened in the Parliament of Montenegro today. Opening the exhibition, Secretary of the Legislative Committee Mr Vlatko Šćepanović said that the collection represented a golden review of Montenegrin parliamentarism, containing copies of seven constitutions, of which two of the independent Montenegro

The exhibition is organised on the occasion of 110 years of Montenegrin constitutionality under the motto “Making a road to freedom”. The exhibition will be permanently displayed in the building of the Parliament of Montenegro.

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