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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 13. December 2012. 13:02

MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Obrad Mišo Stanišić and Mr. Vasilije Lalošević, participate in the Conference titled “Defense and Security Committees“, Zagreb, 13th-14th December 2012

During the first day of the Conference, the importance of exchanging experiences among regional parliamentary bodies was emphasized, as well as the chance of raising parliamentary control role to higher and better level through this way of cooperation .

Regional parliamentary conference titled “Defense and Security Committees” has started today, in Centre for Security Cooperation “RACVIAC”, in Zagreb. The Conference is organized by RACVIAC, Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) from Geneva, and Joint Committee on Defense and Security of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

In addition to Montenegrin MPs and representatives of Security Committee of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania and Turkey, the Conference is also attended by representatives of DCAF Ms. Teodora Fuior and Mr. David Law, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Croatia Ms. Nancy Rossignol, Ambassador of Denmark Mr. Eric Weber, and other experts.

Following the conference opening by Mr. Branimir Mandić, director of “RACVIAC”, and introductory speeches of Ms. Dušanka Majkić, the Lady President of the Joint Committee on Defense and Security of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ms. Teodora Fuior – DCAF representative, the participants were addressed by mentioned ambassadors.

During the Conference, exchange of experiences among regional parliamentary bodies was highlighted as well as the chance of raising parliamentary control role to higher and better level. Also, the importance of different joint actions and meetings was pointed out, in order to continuously follow development in this field in the whole region.

Ms. Teodora Fuior, DCAF representative, speaking of legal ground for parliamentary control role, stated the example of Montenegro – as the first country in the world that passed the law regulating the both sectors – security and defense, in a successful and good way.

During the working part of the Conference, the representatives of the participating countries discussed the topic of the key problems they were facing with regarding parliamentary control role, and the way of solving the same. Problems regarding profiles of the members of the committees were especially emphasized, as well as strengthening professional service, the number of competences, loyalty to a party regarding control tasks and other.

Mr. Obrad Mišo Stanišić had a presentation on behalf of Montenegro, emphasizing the problem of work dynamics and relation between ordinary and extraordinary duties. He reminded of a great role of DCAF and RACVIAC regarding the Law on Parliamentary Control.

During the Conference “tools of parliamentary control” were discussed – laws, hearings, investigations and other.

MP Vasilije Lalošević referred to activities of the Committee regarding law enforcement and explained, through actual examples, the mechanisms of control hearings and their good implementation, as well as the obligation of both the legal entities and state authorities and individuals to respond to invitations of committees.

In the afternoon session it was talked on financial control of security and defense sector, and especially - on models and tools - the most appropriate and the most effective for this important field.

Speaking about Montenegro, financial control that provides good indicators on legal and “illegal” work in security and defense sector was especially reviewed. In this context, competences of the Committee and good cooperation with the State Audit Institution were particularly stressed as well as the initiative resulting in extraordinary revision of the National Security Agency, Ministry of Interior and Police Administration in 2012.

Today’s working day ended with plenary discussion, while the visit to Croatian Parliament is envisaged by tomorrow’s program.

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