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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 19. November 2015. 15:33

Visit of co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Meetings were held with members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to PACE and representatives of the MP Groups

Members of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) today met with PACE co-rapporteurs for the post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro Mr Terry Leyden and Mr Ionut Marian Stroe, who are paying a two-day visit to Montenegro. The co-rapporteurs also met with representatives of MP Groups of both parliamentary majority and opposition.

In the meetings they discussed activities that Montenegro implemented with regard to fulfilling recommendations and commitments defined in PACE’s Resolution 2030 (2015) “The honouring of obligations and commitments by Montenegro”, especially the ones relating to independence of judiciary, election process, fight against corruption, and situation in the media. Special attention was paid to the current political developments in the country and the activities with regard to implementation of legislation relating to the election process.

The visit programme of co-rapporteurs also includes meetings with representatives of executive and judicial powers, as well as with representatives of international organisations, the media, and NGOs. This is also the first visit of co-rapporteurs to Montenegro, following the PACE’s decision of January this year to close the monitoring procedure and to engage in a post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro. In Resolution 2030 (2015) which it adopted on that occasion, the PACE recognised progress which Montenegro had achieved in the previous two-year period, it gave recommendations, and pointed out the reforms which Montenegro should implement in order to complete the stage of post-monitoring dialogue.

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