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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 07. December 2012. 13:07

Closing Plenary Conference of National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro, today

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Duško Marković, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Mr. Mitja Drobnič, President of the European Movement in Montenegro, Mr. Momčilo Radulović and representative of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Mr. Tomas Strazay will address the participants of the Conference, as planned.

Closing Plenary Conference of National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro will be held today, in the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 12 a.m.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić, Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Duško Marković, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Mr. Mitja Drobnič, President of the European Movement in Montenegro, Mr. Momčilo Radulović and representative of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Mr. Tomas Strazay will address the participants of the Conference, as planned.

After introductory statements, co-chairs of working groups will present recommendations and conclusions adopted during the implementation of the project National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro 2012. It is about four working groups where representatives of civic sector and public institutions of Montenegro, during 16 sessions defined 164 recommendations headed to Government, Parliament and other public institutions, civic society and international subjects significant for the process of European integration of Montenegro.

Project “National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro” is dedicated to creation of synergetic effect of all social forces in Montenegro, aimed at strengthening and multiplication of efforts for acceleration of social, political and economic reforms within the process of European integration, and it is organized by the European Movement in Montenegro and the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovak Republic and SLOVAKAID, with the participation of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Government of Montenegro.

Electronic media will be able to broadcast live the conference in the usual way, by taking signals from BC, or in the room next to press box in the Parliament of Montenegro. 

Journalists, cameramen and photo-reporters not accredited for monitoring of parliamentary activities, may do so in written form, until 11 a.m., via fax 245 125, or by e-mail

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