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Friday, 07. December 2012. 13:08

Closing Plenary Conference of National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro held today

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić opened today the Closing Plenary Conference of National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro, organised by: European Movement in Montenegro and Slovak Foreign Policy Association, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovakia and SLOVAKAID, with participation of the Parliament and the Government of Montenegro.

President Krivokapić, among other things, stated that Montenegro is changing as never before, that democracy is making progress but so is the society. He pointed out that strong partnership with the EU contributed to better relations and that the integration process will never be finished, because we will always defend something in the name of democracy and that we will come out of this process more mature. “The citizens shall be a foundation of this achieved goal”, concluded the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić.

Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Duško Marković said in his introductory speech that the National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro represents a place of creative encounter of public sector and civil society in Montenegro, where problems and challenges of integration process are recognised through transparent and open discussion.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Slovakia in Montenegro, His Excellency, Mr. František Lipka, pointed out that the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration represent the only path toward the stabilisation of the entire region and that the Republic of Slovakia actively supports Montenegro on its European path, not only politically in European Forums, but also through many concrete projects.

Head of Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, His Excellency Mr. Mitja Drobnič, stated that the National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro represents a significant platform for discussion between state administration and civil sector, which is of particular importance for the integration process, pointing out that the focus is the rule of law, due to which Montenegro needs to harmonize its legislation with the EU legislation.

Representative of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Mr. Tomas Strazay, pointed out that this project had been implemented in many countries, but in Montenegro it achieved its greatest success based on good cooperation between all relevant state institutions and civil sector.

President of the European Movement in Montenegro, Mr. Momčilo Radulović estimated that the National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro is, in fact, fully dedicated to creation of synergy effect of all social forces in Montenegro, aimed at strengthening and multiplying of efforts for accelerating social, political and economic reforms within the European integration process.

After introductory speeches, co-chairs of working groups presented recommendations and conclusions adopted during the realisation of the project the National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro 2012.

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