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Monday, 05. November 2012. 13:32

Representatives of the Parliamentary Service of Montenegro from the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration and Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms to Participate in the “Regional Workshop on Efficient Work of Committees”

The upcoming regional meeting, organized under the auspices of NDI’s Western Balkans Legislative Strengthening Initiative, is aimed at using the experiences of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the efficient work of committees.

The upcoming regional meeting, organized under the auspices of NDI’s Western Balkans Legislative Strengthening Initiative, is aimed at using the experiences of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the efficient work of committees.

Representatives of the Parliamentary Service of Montenegro from the Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration and Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms will participate in the “Regional Workshop on Efficient Work of Committees”, organized by NDI, which will be held in Častá-Papiernička in Slovakia, from 7th to 9th November 2012. 

Secretaries of committees from Parliaments of Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia will participate in the Regional Conference, and they will be presented with experiences of efficient work of the parliamentary committees of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The upcoming regional meeting, organized under the auspices of NDI’s Western Balkans Legislative Strengthening Initiative (LSI), is aimed at using the experiences of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the efficient work of committees, focusing on the role of committee service, organizing the work of committees, cooperation with legal, research and other professional services, as well as using new technologies in their work, including legal tracking systems.

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