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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 10. May 2013. 13:33

MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro held talks with Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament

Parliamentary cooperation between the two parliaments should be strengthened.

Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović held talks today with Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Athanassios Papaioannou.

Parliamentary budget and procedure for its adoption was the topic of the meeting. Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović assessed that procedure for budget adoption in the Hellenic Parliament could be a good example for Montenegro to use, with the aim of strengthening financial independence of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Interlocutors agreed that full transparency in spending taxpayers funds, especially in the time of economic crises, was the best answer of the parliament in favor of strengthening financial accountability.

At the end, it was assessed that cooperation between the two parliaments should be strengthened, especially in the fields relating to European integration.

Members of the Committee on European Integration Mr Jovan Martinović and Mr Dritan Abazović also met today with Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament and his associates.

MPs of the Committee on European Integration informed guests on the amendments to the Rules of Procedure and forming of the new Committee. The significance of further support to European perspective of Montenegro was pointed out, and with regard to that, MPs informed representatives of the Hellenic Parliament on previously achieved results regarding Montenegrin integration to the European Union.

Mr Athanassios Papaioannou, Secretary General of the Hellenic Parliament, welcomed Montenegrin progress on the European integration path, stressing the importance of the Committee in the negotiation process.

It was pointed out, at the meeting, that there was political consensus among political parties as well as support of public opinion regarding European integration.

Mr Athanassios Papaioannou stated that Hellenic Republic would preside over the European Union in 2014, and that it expected great challenges during semi-annual presidency. He also relayed experiences of the Committee on European Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament which could be useful for Montenegro in the following stages of international process.

Finally, mutual interest for organizing consultations regarding European integration of Montenegro, which would be an opportunity for enhancing overall cooperation between Montenegro and Hellenic Republic was expressed at the meeting.

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