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Thursday, 16. May 2013. 11:20

Tomorrow in Luxembourg starts the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Permanent members of Delegation Mr Borislav Banović and Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić, as well as the MP Mr Vasilije Lalošević will participate in the work of the Assembly.

Spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which is being held from 17th to 20th May 2013 will gather around 300 parliamentarians from the North Atlantic Alliance and partner countries, who will discuss the current issues regarding the transatlantic security.

On 17th May, the Plenary Session will be opened by the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr Hugh Bayley, Luxembourg Prime Minister Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, Speaker of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Mr Laurent Mosar, and the NATO Secretary General Mr Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

During the session it was planned to hold meetings of the following five committees of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly: Political Committee, Defence and Security Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security, and Committee on Economics and Security.

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