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Monday, 24. June 2013. 15:21

49th COSAC Meeting in Dublin started

Over 300 parliamentarians participate at the COSAC Meeting, including MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Jovan Martinović and Mr Dritan Abazović

The first part of a two-day meeting, within the Irish presidency of the European Union, was held in Dublin today, attended by representatives of the national parliaments' committees dealing with European affairs of the European Union Member States as well as representatives of the European Parliament and delegations of the parliaments of candidate states for  EU membership.

The Meeting was opened by the Irish Prime Minister Mr Enda Kenny, who emphasised that the European Union was in a sensitive period, thus the parliaments had irreplaceable role in strengthening democratic and political legitimacy, through creation of a clear common policy, that would help in overcoming democratic gulf between citizens and those reaching decisions. Duty of national parliaments and governments is to inform people on European policies and explain them that their voice is important in Brussels on the occasion of adopting thereof. States economies are not independent, but very interdependent, so the problems of a member state are reflected to its neighbouring countries and whole European Union as well, the Irish Prime Minister said. In addition, he presented the most important measures conducted during Irish presidency, with the aim of stabilisation of bank sector, strengthening of economy sector and reducing of unemployment by creating new jobs for young people.

The Meeting is continued with a debate on the Irish priorities during its presidency, developmental policy and future of European integration. Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Slaven Radunović participate at the debate, referring to the importance of Croatian accession to the European Union from a position of policy of further enlargement of the Union to the Western Balkans. He pointed out that European integration was crucial foreign policy goal of Montenegro. He indicated to necessity of further development and nourishment of regional cooperation, not only as obligation from the Stabilisation and Association Process, but due to the fact that cooperation was important for strengthening political, economic and social image of the entire region. Chairperson Radulović concluded his speech presenting positive experience and close cooperation with Croatia regarding European integration, stating that he believed that Montenegro would have another friend in Brussels on 1 July, when Croatia was going to become formally a member of the Union.

Over 300 parliamentarians participate at the COSAC Meeting, including MPs of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Slaven Radunović, Mr Jovan Martinović and Mr Dritan Abazović

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