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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 02. July 2013. 13:14

FORCA MP Genci Nimanbegu met with representatives of the Marshall Memorial Programme

FORCA MP Genci Nimanbegu received today a group of American alumni of the Marshall Memorial Programme composed of: Mr Donald Brooks, Mr Derek Chen, Ms Sol Flores, Mr Charles Knutson, Ms Anna Sifford and Mr Marlowe Stoudamire. The meeting was also attended by the Programme Coordinator and Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education Ms Daliborka Uljarević.

Marshall Memorial Fellowship Programme exists over thirty years within The German Marshall Fund and enables new leaders from the United States of America and Europe to explore societies, institutions and people from the other side of the Atlantic. Six years ago this programme became available to Western Balkans countries.

Bearing in mind the significance of this programme in long term relations and composition of American Delegation and earlier meetings of FORCA representatives, the programme was continued due to their positive impressions, thus the new meeting was initiated with this – sixth generation of participants.

Their visit and questions posed to MP Genci Nimanbegu were mostly conceptualised so to acquire information on Montenegro, its beauties and opportunities it provides in the field of natural resources, tourist and cultural facilities, social environment and political life as well. Participants also had some individual interests and questions for the fields in which they work in the United States of America. 

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