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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 23. July 2013. 18:01

Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2013 started

There were five proposals for the law on the agenda today, and the Sitting will be continued tomorrow after the Eleventh – Special Sitting, which is scheduled for 12:00.

On the first day of the Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2013, the MPs discussed the following: Proposal for the Law on Electronic Communications, Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the General Law on Education, Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Primary Education, Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Vocational Education, Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Gymnasium.

The Sitting will be continued following the Eleventh – Special Sitting of the First Ordinary Session in 2013, within which the Prime Minister’s Hour and parliamentary questions were planned, and which is scheduled to start tomorrow at 12:00.

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