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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 11. March 2014. 16:08

Ended - First Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014

Six proposals for the laws were adopted.

At the beginning of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014, the resignations of the MPs Mr Zoran Vukčević and Mr Fatmir Đeka were noted.

In continuation of the meeting, the MPs adopted the following: Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Private International Law; Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the European Convention on the Legal Protection of Services based on, or consisting of, Conditional Access; Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts; Proposal for the Law on Ratification of Amendments to the Agreement for the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area; Proposal for the Law on Ratification of Amendments to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; and Proposal for the Law on Ratification of the Social Security Agreement between Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia.

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