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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 03. December 2015. 16:00

Sixth - Special Sitting of the Second Ordinary Session in 2015 held in Cetinje

Day after Montenegro received an invitation for the NATO membership, the Parliament of Montenegro organised a ceremonious sitting. In addition to President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić and Prime Minister Mr Milo Đukanović, the present were addressed by President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr David Hobbs.


Aside from representatives of the executive power and MPs, the ceremony in the Government House in Cetinje was attended by representatives of diplomatic corps in Montenegro, non-governmental organisations (NGO), editors-in-chief of Montenegrin media and a number of high officials.


pdfSpeech of President Mr Ranko Krivokapić

pdfPresentation By David Hobbs, Secretary General, NATO Parliamentary Assembly

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