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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 29. December 2015. 19:12

Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2015 ends

Second and Eight Sitting of the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament ended

On day eight of the Second Sitting of the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2015, the MPs adopted the Proposal for the Law on Energy.

On day five of the Eighth Sitting of the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament, the MPs adopted the following: the Proposal for the 2016 Budget Law of Montenegro;  the Proposal for the Decision on granting a long-term lease of Island Lastavica with fortress Mamula, Municipality Herceg Novi, and the Proposal for the Decision on Accepting the Annex No. 1 of the Agreement on the Lease of Hotel “Kraljičina plaža”, Budva.

The Parliament of Montenegro gave its approval on initiation of criminal proceedings against the following MPs: Mr Andrija Mandić, Mr Slaven Radunović, and Mr Milan Knežević.

Under the item of the agenda Elections and appointments, Mr Šućko Baković was elected the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro, and thus ended the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro.

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