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Thursday, 30. June 2016. 21:08

Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2016 begins

MPs adopted the Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Administrative Procedure


On day one of the Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2016, MPs adopted the agenda and Proposal for the Law on Amendments to the Law on Administrative Procedure.

Furthermore, the Parliament of Montenegro noted the resignation of Ms Azra Jasavić from the position of member of the Parliament of Montenegro as well as the resignation of Mr Pavle Pasković from the position of member of the State Election Commission.  In addition, Ms Zorica Martinović, from the electoral list “Positive Montenegro - Darko Pajović”, has started her MP office.

Tenth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2016 will be continued today, starting at 12:00h.

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