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Skupština Crne Gore

The sitting will be continued tomorrow, starting at 10:00.


The Sixth - Special Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013 to be held in the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro tomorrow, on 29th May 2013, starting at 12:00.



Seventh sitting of the first ordinary session of the Parliament of Montenegro will be held in the Plenary Hall, on Friday, 31st May, 2013, at 11.


Continuation of the Third Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013 will be held in the Plenary Hall of the Parliament of Montenegro on Tuesday 28th May 2013, starting at 11:00.

Read more: Third Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013

DF, SNP i PCG podnijeli zajtjev za sazivanje śednice Skupštine Crne Gore

Dokument možete preuzeti na sljedećem linku: Zahtjev



At the Fifth Sitting of the First Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013, the President of Montenegro Mr. Filip Vujanović took the oath before the members of the Parliament of Montenegro. In addition to MPs, the Sitting was attended by representatives of the Government, judiciary and diplomatic core.

Śednica će biti održana danas u Vladinom domu na Cetinju u 19.00 sati. 

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