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Thursday, 17. January 2013. 10:29

Meeting of the Secretary General with the Deputy Director General of Directorate General of the European Commission for Enlargement

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro met today with the Deputy Director General of Directorate General of the European Commission for Enlargement, Mr. Joost Korte, who has been staying in Montenegro for two days.

At the meeting, they exchanged opinions on novelties in the organisation and the work of the Parliament, its role in the process of negotiations of Montenegro with the European Union and further promotion of administrative capacities, especially in relation to monitoring and assessment of harmonisation of Montenegrin legislation with the EU legislation.

Mr. Korte expressed his pleasure with the progress that the Parliament of Montenegro achieved in the previous period and especially pointed out the significance that this institution has in the process of the EU integration, and not only in relation to adopting laws and harmonising of legislation, but also in relation to ensuring that the society, as a whole, be included in this process.

Secretary General informed his interlocutor of the reforms that had been implemented with the aim to strengthen the capacities of the Parliament so it can monitor the EU integration process in the most effective manner, including the process of harmonisation of legislation. In that regard, he reminded on the latest amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, which ensured that all committees, in accordance with their competencies, be included in this process. In addition, the significance of participation of the employees of the Parliament in monitoring of the work of working bodies for preparation of the negotiations on EU accession of Montenegro was particularly pointed out. By participating in the phase of analytical review of legislation harmonisation, i.e. the screening phase, the employees have an opportunity to gain a detailed insight into the EU legislation, under the negotiations chapters, as well as to gain information that enable a more efficient planning of the work of the Parliament and its working bodies.

The interlocutors agreed that a significant progress had been made in various segments of the parliamentary work, as well as that the negotiations process will condition an even more intensive work in the upcoming period.

Other topics at the meeting included the transparency and publicity of work, plans for this year, as well as working conditions of the MPs and employees.