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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 30. August 2013. 14:53

Eighth Conference of Presidents of the Parliaments of Small European States held

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić attended the “Eighth Conference of Presidents of the Parliaments of Small European States”, held in Reykjavik, in the period from 27 to 30 August.

At this year's Conference, hosted by the Parliament of Iceland (Alþingi) and its Speaker Mr Einar K. Guðfinnsson, the topics covered included current and important issues in national policies and parliaments of small European states, the impact of the economic and debt crisis on small countries, as well as the potential for cooperation of these countries in the field of education and research.

In his address, the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić presented the current situation in Montenegro and the important issues that the Parliament of Montenegro has been dealing with, especially highlighting the recently adopted amendments to the Constitution which are strengthening the autonomy of the judiciary.

Pointing out that Montenegro was an example of the stable community in the Balkans, Mr Mustafić said that further strengthening of institutions was needed, as well as that the very strengthening of the role of the Parliament entailed strengthening of other institutions.

Mr Mustafić also said that the Parliament of Montenegro was recognised as a place of democratic dialogue, appreciation of diversity, a place from which the messages about Montenegro as a multi-ethnic and stable state are sent to the entire society.

“There are no small ones and big ones in politics, but everyone’s greatness lies in the value of ideas and the people who carry those ideas”, said Mr Mustafić in conclusion, giving his full support to further efforts in strengthening the cooperation of small states.

At the end of the Conference, the Joint Declaration was unanimously adopted, and it was agreed that the next “Ninth Conference of Presidents of the Parliaments of Small European States” would be held in Andorra.
On the sidelines of the Conference, the Vice President Mustafić met with the Vice President of the Parliament of the Republic of Malta Mr Vincent Galea. At the meeting they pointed out the importance of cooperation of the two countries, especially in the field of European integration, as well as the fields of tourism, culture and maritime transportation.

Additionally, they emphasised the need to establish a more intensive parliamentary cooperation through the direct contact of the parliamentary committees for international relations and interparliamentary friendship groups, the forming of which has been initiated at the meeting.

The Conference participants also had an official meeting with the President of the Republic of Iceland Mr Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.

The Conference of Presidents of the Parliaments of Small European States is held annually in different states, and it gathers the presidents of parliaments of nine small European states with less than a million citizens, consisting of the following: the Principality of Andorra, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Malta, the Principality of Monaco, the Republic of San Marino, and Montenegro.

This year’s Conference, apart from the Vice President Mustafić and the host of the Conference Mr Guðfinnsson, was also attended by the following: Mr Vicenç Mateu, President of the Parliament of the Principality of Andorra; Mr Albert Frick, President of the Parliament of the Principality of Liechtenstein; Mr Vincent Galea, Vice President of the Parliament of the Republic of Malta; as well as the representatives of Luxembourg, Monaco, and San Marino.