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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 17. September 2015. 14:35

Vice presidents of the Parliament to meet the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey

On Friday 18 September 2015, vice presidents of the Parliament of Montenegro - Mr Milutin Simović, Mr Branko Radulović, and Mr Suljo Mustafić will separately receive the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Mr  Serhat Galip.

The conversations will be held in cabinets of the vice presidents according to the following schedule:

- reception with Vice President Simović, at 13:00,
- reception with Vice President Radulović, at 13:30,
- reception with Vice President Mustafić, at 14:00.

Following the separate meetings, press statements will be issued.

The beginning of the meetings will be open to camera crews and photographers.

Media representatives are to enter the Parliament of Montenegro by using the annual press credentials together with a personal identification document. If they do not possess the annual credentials, they should request from the Department for Public Relations of the Parliament of Montenegro the issuance of daily credentials, via fax: 020 404 518 or by e-mail: