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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 19. July 2013. 15:56

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić received the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovakia Mr Tomáš Borec

The interlocutors emphasised the importance of cooperation relating the transmission of experiences in the field of negotiation chapters 23 and 24.  

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić held talks today with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovakia Mr Tomáš Borec.

Mr Krivokapić thanked to the Republic of Slovakia for the help in the field of European integration, which had been logistic, expert and political so far, with reference that it was very important for small countries such as Montenegro to have in Brussels good friends who knew it well and opportunities therein. The interlocutors emphasised the importance of cooperation relating the transmission of experiences in the field of negotiation chapters 23 and 24, noting that young democracies acquired the maturity by establishing the rule of law.

Talking about the current economic situation in Montenegro, Mr Krivokapić pointed out that the rule of law was being tested on its viability in the field of economy, which the European Union required from Montenegro - as an indicator of readiness for implementation of laws.