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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 20. July 2013. 16:34

Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of Municipality Day of Berane

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended congratulatory message on the occasion of Municipality Day of Berane – 21 July to the President of the Municipality Mr Vuka Golubović, President of the Local Assembly Mr Samir Agović, councillors of the Local Assembly and citizens:

“In the last years, your municipality has been especially decorated by the strength of young people who invest in their knowledge, thus making the town to move more decisively and quickly towards our common European goal.

I wish you, in the period of economic crises, to continue to make efforts directed towards further development of the town, which will be based on numerous potentials that this town undoubtedly possesses.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, I congratulate you the Municipality Day of Berane – 21 July.

Ranko Krivokapić, President of the Parliament of Montenegro “