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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 12. April 2013. 10:15

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić met with the Head of the ODIHR Mission, Mr. Boris Frlec

President thanked the ODIHR Mission for its presence during the presidential elections.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić met today with the Head of the ODIHR Mission, Mr. Boris Frlec.

President of the Parliament thanked the ODIHR Mission for its presence during the presidential elections, emphasizing that the presence of that mission was of an exceptional significance for improvement of democratic process in the state.

He pointed out that Montenegro had to be dedicated to continuous improvement of democratic election standards, in line with recommendation and conclusions of the relevant international organizations, in order to strengthen confidence of citizens to election process.

Mr. Frlec thanked the representatives of all state institutions for their cooperation, pointing out that all complaints related to electoral process as well as allegations of irregularities should be resolved within the competent institutions.