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Friday, 19. April 2013. 15:39

President of the Parliament, Mr Ranko Krivokapić held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Ivan Mrkić

Interlocutors agreed that economical relations of the two countries carried a great potential for the further development.

President of the Parliament, Mr Ranko Krivokapić held talks today with Mr Ivan Mrkić, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.

Mr Krivokapić and Mr Mrkić voiced pleasure over the development of interstate relations, and especially emphasized the importance of further building of mutual trust between Montenegro and Serbia. Interlocutors agreed that economical relations of the two countries carried a great potential for the further development. In that context they talked on construction of the highway Bar-Boljari, as a project of common interest.

Mr. Krivokapić and Mr Mrkić pointed out to the importance of stronger cooperation in the field of strengthening regional international framework.