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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 10. December 2013. 13:05

Public address of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić on the occasion of 10 December - International Human Rights Day

Original text of the address is as follows:  

        “Montenegro has been going through a long path since the time when the defence of human rights was achievement of an individual who, through his race, tribe and brotherhood, created a code of honour and honesty and a moral of protection of rights of others.

       Since that time until today, we have been laboriously trying to build institutions for protection of human rights. The eternity was necessary for building moral, but we certainly need more than two centuries for building institutions that protect human rights.  

       Building of institutions is a path of permanent challenges, where individuals build those institutions, in order to become more stable, permanent and also powerful enough not to be subjected to individuals. In that balance of individuals and institutions, there is a whole process of understanding the  justice and rights  - justice as our common moral codex and rights as our common obligation.

       I believe that we, as a state, in cooperation with the civic society, have created the autonomous structure in our society which was a precondition for the protection of human rights. That autonomy of individual and autonomy of institutions with their networks will give, I am certain, a positive result in the period to come.

       Institutions with their networks, making the system of protection of human rights, have to be in line with Constitution and law, because every fault of those institutions threatens Montenegro.

       Our community will survive in time and space only with synergy of moral, humanity and heroism in order to save an individual as a unit of society and to achieve what the Parliament of Montenegro wants - not to be only institution that has the supreme power of passing laws.

       The Parliament has a duty to be a palace of democracy for the purpose of our joint maturing, which is not easy, but it is institution that has to show stability to others, thus giving them strength to fulfil their constitutional commitments completely.

       Democracy is measured by relation towards minorities. Our relation and our knowledge of democracy is measured in relation towards minorities of different forms, from numerically small peoples, members of the LGBTQ community to political minority. The democracy is strong to the extent that minorities can enjoy legality, justice and morality.

       Let 10 December be a reminder that every person has a right to life, freedom and security without any difference, as specified by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That is a path towards just and fair society of equality, the path in which we are all obliged to resolutely walk guided by humanity and the Constitution of Montenegro”