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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 10. December 2014. 16:01

Letter of condolence on the death of Džoni Hodžić

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ranko Krivokapić, sent the letter of condolence on the death of Džoni Hodžić, to his family and all the colleagues - cultural figures in Montenegro.

“Distinguished family Hodžić,

 Distinguished colleagues of Džoni,

Montenegro has lost its great son, and Montenegrin culture and art its prominent member and the man who gave the energy and spirit to our theater, directing and cultural scene.

Johnny leaves behind an artistic capital that will serve generations and that will be the measure of success and quality of the new creative work. He knew how to engage art and create something socially useful, highlight darkened corners of the Montenegrin society. His work has contributed significantly to the social emancipation of Montenegro.

We all owe a big thank you to him and I am sure that we will long have a memory of the smile and courage that his soul possessed. His presence will be long felt through his work that will live forever.

DearDžoni, may you rest in peace.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and my own behalf, please receive the expressions of our condolences.”

Mr Ranko Krivokapić