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Skupština Crne Gore
Tuesday, 24. March 2015. 17:58

President of the Parliament pays a one-day official visit to Brussels

In Brussels today, during his one-day official visit, President Ranko Krivokapić met with Mr Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament.

During the meeting, President Krivokapić expressed pleasure over the fact that in one of the crucial years of the European integration and a decisive year for NATO integration of Montenegro, the leader of European parliamentarianism President Mr Martin Schulz had provided strong support to key advocates of struggle for implementation of European ideas in Montenegrin society and highlighted the leadership position of Montenegro in European integration in the Western Balkans region.

It was assessed at the meeting that it was especially significant that, immediately after the adoption of conclusions of the European Parliament on Montenegro, the emphasis had been put on measurable and sustainable results in the area of the rule of law – which was the heart of the overall movement of Montenegro towards the European Union.

During the meeting between Mr Krivokapić and Mr Schulz, Montenegrin Parliament received praise, and it was assessed as an example to the region. The interlocutors concluded that the positive assessments received by the Parliament of Montenegro represented a kind of an obligation to create cohesion through dialogue in Montenegrin society which would make the efforts more fruitful in the interest of better life for the citizens and exiting the crisis.

Today in Brussels, President Ranko Krivokapić addressed the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, which, in addition to the Chairperson of this body Mr Elmar Brok, was also attended by parliamentarians from the Western Balkans countries and Turkey. 

In his address to the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs within the Conference “Development of Political Culture and Strengthening of Political Dialogue towards Sustainable Democracy”, President Krivokapić said that the measure of the strength of democracy was precisely the strength of the Parliament, especially in young democracies.

 “Inequality is the easiest path to demagogy, and inequality and crisis are the easiest path to populism. We, in the Balkans, have had the experience of strong leaders after whom weak countries remained. The institutions are providers of stability, and the Parliament safeguards that stability and the dignity of the citizens”, said Mr Krivokapić in his address.

President Krivokapić concluded his address with the following message: “We must take responsibility for the painful changes. It is important to stabilise our countries in the Balkans and make them stronger. The ruling parties and the opposition should seek the answers to common challenges through dialogue.”

During his stay in Brussels, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro has also had numerous meetings with heads of MP groups in the EP, and among others, he met with Mr Gianni Pittella, Leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the EP. On that occasion the interlocutors pointed out that the goals such as the rule of law, social justice, freedom of media, and creation of prosperous conditions for the young were something that we should all fight for together. During the meeting they said that Montenegrin Parliament had full support of their counterparts from the EP on its path towards reaching and implementing EU standards.

As soon as the following month, the joint committee of the EP and Montenegrin Parliament will convene in Montenegro, and the Parliament of Montenegro, together with the European Parliament, will host the gathering of regional parliaments on the topic “Independence and Reform of Judicial System in Western Balkans Countries and Turkey”.