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Skupština Crne Gore
Friday, 03. April 2015. 19:36

Congratulatory message on the occasion of Day of Students

On the occasion of the Day of Students in Montenegro, 4 April, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to all students, as well as to our citizens who are studying away from their homeland: 

 “Esteemed academic citizens of Montenegro,   

At any time, knowledge has been a mainstay of Montenegro. This day reminds us of students who stood up against fascism and went into battle for a better and more just society.

Knowledge has a special power to make us into individuals who safeguard the torch whose flame withstands anything, giving new values to society. It is utterly important for a state to be the house of knowledge with professional young people, because such a home creates intellectual potential to which naturally belongs taking up the steering wheel of the Montenegrin ship.      

Montenegro has a clearly positioned course towards the society of peace and security, towards the common house of the united Europe, and primarily to be the state of full rule of law – a guarantee of its stability and prosperity. On that journey, the state needs knowledge, skills, and energy that you carry within yourselves and bring with you to Montenegro.

The days of being a student, as the most beautiful period of growing up and maturing, make of you the people ready to respond to many challenges. Your engagement and stay in Montenegro will be the best measure of success and correctness of state policies. It is up to the state to care for the quality of conditions of your higher education and to create room for affirmation of your efforts and lessons learned.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro, and on my own behalf, I wish you a happy 4 April – the Day of Students.”

Ranko Krivokapić