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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 02. May 2015. 18:04

Congratulatory message on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ranko Krivokapić, extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of 3 May - World Press Freedom Day, to all journalists in Montenegro, as well as those who work abroad and report for their country

"Honorable representatives of the public word,

Freedom of the media and the right to free expression are indicators of the vitality of democracy. You possess a powerful tool, the aim of which should be to fulfill the rights and needs of the citizen to know and to be informed, and by strengthening of self-regulation instruments, and raising the level of professionalism, we will prevent that media freedom be abused for settling accounts with anyone.

The state is obliged to support unconditionally the freedom of your work and create an environment where representatives of the public word would be safe and secure. I believe that for the sake of keeping your profession you would resist the challenges of today and attempts of interference of transient interests and needs, and be loyal only to the principles of ethics and professionalism - the public interest.

Press freedom and a better position of journalists is our common social interest and task, and something required by modern Europe and NATO, to which we aspire.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and my own behalf, I congratulate to you 3 May - World Press Freedom Day.

Mr Ranko Krivokapić