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Friday, 10. July 2015. 14:42

President Mr Ranko Krivokapić presents the 13th July award to Mr Đurković, Ms Kilibarda and Mr Vukčević

Playwright Mr Ljubomir Đurković, professor at the University of Montenegro Ms Vesna Kilibarda and painter Mr Srđan Vukčević are this year’s winners of the 13th July award.  President of the Parliament Mr Ranko Krivokapić presented the award to laureates. 

Mr Đurković won the award for drama trilogy “Grci” (Greeks), Ms Vesna Kilibarda for the book “Njegoš i Italija” (Njegoš and Italy) and Mr Srđan Vukčvić for the exhibition “Hipnosovo jezero” (Hipnosovo's Lake).

President of the Parliament Mr Ranko Krivokapić said that the 13th July  was the date which always gathered us, and that the laureates gave us a new possibility to see Montenegro in its duration.

“Each of your creations opens a new window to the world to see how special Montenegro is. More than ever you tie Montenegro for its Antic dichotomy”, Mr Krivokapić said.  He said that “some saw the state as Sparta, the state ready to fight and die for freedom”.  “And we have always known that Spartan Montenegro would not exist if there was no Athens Montenegro, and that is the Montenegro of true values, opened to hear both East and the West”, Mr Krivokapić said.

The President of the Parliament said that Njegoš also lived dichotomy of Spartan and Athens Montenegro as well as dichotomy of East and West Montenegro.  “And Njegoš succeeded to step towards West with his soul on the East”, Mr Krivokapić assessed, stating that it was the reason for the small Montenegro to create a value of duration.  He said that only true values brought duration to us, stating that the 13th July was a glorification of such Montenegro.  He said that Njegoš carried in himself the emotion and religion of the East, and found the Western answer for Montenegro. “And he was not afraid.  He did not run away from prophecies and truth.  Njegoš saw in the West senate and  grenadiers and then, after Montesquieu, he realised that without the division of power there was no stable state, and that without mutual control of the power and balance, there was no stable and good homeland for its citizens.  Njegoš brought that idea from the West.  He read Montesquieu when he used to say: “All will be lost if one or a group would exercise all powers”, Mr Krivokapić said.

The writer Mr Ljubomir Đurković, following the presentation of the award, said that the award was named after the most important date for Montenegro. He said that the recognition that he had won was the most important that he received so far, while the professor at the UCG Ms Vesna Kilibarda stressed that it was her pleasure to win the award for the book on Njegoš and Italy on the datum very important for Montenegrin history.

The painter Mr Srđan Vukčević said that it was very important for creators to gain the battle of the freedom and independence of the artist, for the purpose of eternal memory of lives and ever-lasting inspirations for the work.

Member of the jury Mr Dragan Koprivica said that the very profilation of this year’s awards, as a melod of three stories in one, “is a nice indicator of of recognition of cultural coordinates of today’s Montenegro .”

The award is presented to citizen or national of Montenegro, a group of persons or a legal entity headquartered in the territory of the state, for works or achievements in all fields of work and creation in the past two years, which are of particular importance for Montenegro.