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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 18. July 2015. 22:23

Letter of condolences on the occasion of the death of Ms Lidija Jovanović

On the occasion of the death of Ms Lidija Jovanović, President of the Parliament of Montenegro sent a letter of condolences to the family:

 “Esteemed family Jovanović,

Departure of Ms Lidija Jovanović, the first female comrade of Montenegro, is a great loss for the whole society, particularly for the anti-fascistic soul of Montenegro. 

Comrade Lidija was not only a holder of Partisan Memorial, a founder of the Women's Antifascist Front of Montenegro, Member of Montenegrin Parliament, but primarily a great humanist, who devoted her life to emancipation of women, care of war orphans, children with developmental difficulties and enlightenment of the youth. Lidija’s life path will remain permanent in the anti-fascistic vertical of our homeland, and it will serve to generations as an example of humaneness, fight for freedom and she will be eternally remained as zealous fighter for better and more harmonious society.

A name of Ms Lidija Jovanović will be spoken with a special reverence and a feeling of a deep respect. In this difficult moment for your family, her compatriots and comrades, may you find solace and relief for your soul in the memory of her character and deeds. May she have our gratitude forever. 

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and on my own behalf, please accept my sincere condolence.”

Ranko Krivokapić