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Tuesday, 05. April 2016. 15:59

Congratulatory message to the Archdiocese of Bar and the newly appointed Archbishop don Rrok Gjonlleshaj

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to the Archdiocese of Bar and the newly appointed Archbishop don Rrok Gjonlleshaj:


I congratulate you on your appointment to the position of the Archbishop of Bar and I wish you to have a successful service. The Catholic community is an important part of Montenegrin multi-ethnical being and I believe that in the course of your service you will give the best to your community, and thus to Montenegro.

As a civic state, Montenegro has a special value in co-existence of diversity and that should be a lasting good that we will all keep.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and my own behalf, I congratulate you on your appointment”.

Ranko Krivokapić