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Skupština Crne Gore
Saturday, 04. May 2013. 09:11

Congratulatory message on the occasion of the greatest Christian Holiday – Easter

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of Eastern Holidays to Archbishop of Cetinje and Montenegrin Metropolitan Mr Mihailo, congregation of Montenegrin Orthodox Church and other Orthodox churches in Montenegro on the occasion of the greatest Christian Holiday – Easter:


Let these days of belief in justice and eternal human values remind you that family, togetherness, solidarity and understanding are the basis of personal and collective progress. Nevertheless, time has taught us that there has never been progress without our home Montenegro.

I wish you, during these holidays, to devote to yourself and your closest, so that we all together can gather additional strength and wisdom for our further joint path towards better and safer society. Let your homes be interwoven with faith in truth and justice.

On behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro and my own behalf, I congratulate Eastern Holidays to you.“

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić