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Skupština Crne Gore
Wednesday, 13. July 2016. 13:14

Mr Pajović - Mr Meta: Sustainable valorisation of the Cijevna Canyon a chance for both states

The parliamentary officials toured the Cijevna Canyon

Crown of yesterday’s official visit to Montenegro by Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Mr Ilir Meta, after the meetings and special sitting of the Parliament of Montenegro, during which the high Albanian official addressed Montenegrin MPs, was a tour of President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović and his Albanian counterpart of the Cijevna Canyon, as one of important joint natural resources of the two countries.

The two officials of parliaments toured the Cijevna Canyon to the point where the new border crossing should be opened and a road built that would not only further improve the infrastructure connections, and therefore relations between Montenegro and Albania, but also provide better road connection of Plav and Gusinje with Podgorica through part of Albania. During the visit to the Cijevna Canyon, the officials spoke with inhabitants of the border area.