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Skupština Crne Gore
Thursday, 16. May 2013. 11:09

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić participates at the XVIII EUREKA Inter-parliamentary Conference in Brussels

During his visit to the European Parliament, President Krivokapić had meetings with members of the European Parliament Committee on Budget, Monetary and Financial Affairs, where the presence of Montenegrin Parliament to forthcoming inter-parliamentary conferences was agreed.

Upon the invitation of the Turkish President Mr Cemil Çiçek, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić is participating at the XVIII EUREKA Inter-parliamentary Conference in Brussels, on ensuring adequate financing for innovation in economically challenging times.

Mr Krivokapić and Mr Çiçek talked on implementation of projects of joint regional interest, directed to improving the quality of life of our citizens.

They emphasised that strengthening economies of our countries resulted in strengthening credibility of our common policy integration to the European Union, and investments in infrastructure and energy were a starting point for further comprehensive economic development of the Western Balkans.

This year should be crucial for determining the dynamics of the realisation of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline and the Adriatic-Ionic Gas Pipeline, with a very active role of the Republic of Turkey.

Visit to the European Parliament was an opportunity for meetings with members of the European Parliament Committee on Budget, Monetary and Financial Affairs, during which the presence of Montenegrin Parliament to forthcoming Inter-parliamentary Conference was agreed, where the EP as well as national parliaments would harmonise monetary and financial politic twice a year.