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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 20. May 2013. 08:46

On the occasion of Independence Day of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will, with military honours, lay down the laurel wreath on the monument of Njegoš in the Mausoleum at the Jezerski vrh on Lovćen

Following that, President Krivokapić will issue a press statement, and a theme Sitting at the Thrashing Floor will also be held


On the occasion of Independence Day of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić will, with military honours, lay down the laurel wreath on the monument of Njegoš in the Mausoleum at the Jezerski vrh on Lovćen, on Tuesday 21st May at 12:00.

Following that, President Krivokapić will issue a press statement, around 12:15.

On the occasion of Independence Day of Montenegro, this year there will also be a theme Sitting at the Thrashing Floor: “200 years since the birth of state-maker and poet”, and following the introductory speech, President Krivokapić will speak to the students of Faculty of Law and Faculty of Political Science of the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Legal Science of the University Donja Gorica and Faculty of Law of the University “Mediteran”. The sitting will be organised at the national restaurant “Vidikovac” starting at 12:30, at the foot of the Mausoleum.