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Skupština Crne Gore
Monday, 20. May 2013. 13:42

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić received Mr Jorge Capitanich, Governor of the Chaco Province in the Republic of Argentina

It was jointly assessed that relations between Montenegro and Argentina should be strengthened, and Cultural center "Durmitor" will be opened soon in the Chaco Province


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić received Mr Jorge Capitanich, Governor of the Chaco Province in the Republic of Argentina, who is staying for the first time in the country of his ancestors.   

Governor Capitanich thanked to President Krivokapić on the warm welcome, inviting him to visit Argentina in early October.

“The state of Argentina has on mind what Montenegrin expatriates did for it, thus 100 years from the arrival of the first immigrants from Montenegro will be marked this year", Capitanich said,  adding that on the 2nd October, in the Chako Province, Cultural center "Durmitor will be opened ".

It was jointly assessed that relations between Montenegro and Argentina should be strengthened as well as cooperation of the parliaments of the two countries should be established, relations between entrepreneurs and investors encouraged, the exchange of goods increased, etc.